Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Love Canal Crisis An Epidemic - 1709 Words

James Daniel Mr. Peters Honors Environmental Science 11 November 2016 A Civil Action The Love Canal crisis is an epidemic that will shake the roots of this country for centuries. From 1942 to 1953 a landfill in Niagara Falls area known as the Love Canal; which is named after 18th-century famous entrepreneur William T. Love who had an aspiration to connect two levels of the Niagara River, which evidentially separated by Niagara Falls. His plan sought to integrate a canal that would utilize hydroelectric power to create energy. His plan was an utter failure due to the economic collapse of 1892. The construction of the canal continued for a while prior to the economic collapse. After only one mile, at fifteen feet wide and ten feet deep, the canal had been partly dugged. The canal was sold in 1920 to the city of Niagara falls which began using it as an area for chemical waste disposal, followed by the United States Army burying waste from chemical warfare experiments. Hooker Chemical and Plastics Corporation attained the property in 1947 and buried 21,000 tons of toxic waste for the next five years. During this duration, the Niagara population was extending rapidly, and the city was highly desperate for land. The city purchased the land for $1. A school was constructed on the landfill which punctured a copper barrier Hooker had used to enclose the chemical waste. Later on, Health reports and very odd, strange odors were reported the following years, but not until theShow MoreRelatedThe Prevention of Water Contamination: Mission Impossible?1503 Words   |  7 Pagesinstead, pollute it. The right to water is not officially a human right. However, because â€Å"water is a basic need for human development, health, and well-being†¦ it is an internationally accepted human right† (Thompson 3). Water contamination is an epidemic that is so common these days that it is no longer shocking to even hear that water is contaminated. Water contamination negatively effects water that is used on a daily basis. Continuing on in this way will eventually lead to contamination that willRead MoreDbq for American Imperialism3893 Words   |  16 Pagesto the United States in perpetuity, the use, occupation and control of a zone of land and land under water for the construction, maintenance, operation, sanitation and protection of said Canal of the width of ten miles extending to the distance of five miles on each side of the center line of the route of the Canal to be constructed; the said zone beginning in the Caribbean Sea three marine miles from mean low water mark and extending to and across the Isthmus of Panama into the Pacific Ocean to aRead MoreMigration in the 19th Century5601 Words   |  23 Pagesthroughout the country. Although the country was afflicted by several diseases like the plague in 1813 and cholera this did little to curb the unstoppable growth in population. Many inhabitants saw emigration, as the only possible solution to avoid the crisis of overpopulation, which would have left them with no or little income. Especially men left their home country for a better occupation, whilst women stayed at home or followed later (Dr. C. Cassar). In the early years, emigration was primarily anRead MoreCase Study in Nursing8060 Words   |  33 Pages hypotension, lack of resistance to cold, and inability to respond physiologically to  stress. Even patients who produce adequate corticosteroids under normal conditions usually cannot meet the increased requirement. Life-threatening Addisonian crisis can then occur. A deficiency of aldosterone can lead to sodium depletion, dehydration, and circulatory collapse. In congenital lipoid hyperplasia (adrenal cortex with male pseudo-hermaphroditism [false presence of both ovarian and testicular tissue])Read MoreCase Studies67624 Words   |  271 PagesPreparing an effective case analysis C-3 CASE 1 CASE 2 CASE 3 CASE 4 CASE 5 CASE 6 CASE 7 ABB in China, 1998 C-16 Ansett Airlines and Air New Zealand: A flight to oblivion? C-31 BP–Mobil and the restructuring of the oil refining industry C-44 Compaq in crisis C-67 Gillette and the men’s wet-shaving market C-76 Incat Tasmania’s race for international success: Blue Riband strategies C-95 Kiwi Travel International Airlines Ltd C-105 CASE 8 Beefing up the beefless Mac: McDonald’s expansion strategies

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